Friday 8 June 2007

Country life

Around me there are loads of farmyards and farm animals and in one such place a great freindship began between a beautiful horse and an ordinary chicken. They went everywhere together, best friends, then one rainy day they were having a chat in the field and the horse wandered into a really muddy spot, so muddy that the horse started to sink! 'Quick, quick' said the horse to his best friend the chicken 'Get the farmer to get his car and pull me out, good god I'm sinking... quick' with that the chicken pelted off back to the farm and after a few desperate seconds realised the farmer was not around so she jumped into the BMW and went to rescue her best friend. Once there she tugged with her beak at the tow rope and pushed it towards horse, he grabbed it with his teeth and with chicken behind the wheel she hauled him out. 'You were fantastic' said the horse 'you are my bestest friend in the world and I in turn will always be there for you'. Several days later horse was minding his own business when all of a sudden he heard chicken screaming for help, of course he galloped over immediately where he found chicken drowning in the same boggy trench. 'Quick horse' shouted chicken 'Go and get farmer and his car to pull me out' but horse saw there was no time for that, ' Hang on chicken I have another idea' he said and with that he leant directly over the muddy pool ' Grab onto my thingy' he said and the chicken did. The chicken clung for dear life and was safely removed.
The moral of the story is that if you're hung like a horse you don't need a BMW to pull chicks.

1 comment:

lizbee said...

Hey I like nice cars... brmmm brmmm