Thursday, 7 June 2007

Stop the Bus I want to get off!

Sometimes you're trundling along quite nicely and you suddenly realise that either you're on the wrong bus or that your bus has taken a detour down a very bumpy road. I find this particularly so if you have stroppy younger relatives trying to organise the route for you, they don't realise that the route they've now set you on is as hazardous as it is and kick up a storm when you get the map books out and point this out. Well, I stopped the bus on one little venture and now a storm cloud looms over the household... and of course my new role is 'Wicked Witch of the West' to poor Dorothy with her ruby slippers. Such is family life, no doubt the sun will emerge from the storm clouds, the Wicked Witch will turn into the Good Witch of the North again, and Dorothy will click her ruby slippers and go back to Kansas. And... most important of all peace will reign.
Peace & Happiness to all,

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