An update on the Dibley'esque Neighbourhood Watch Committee's latest adventures for you. Last weekend we had the annual fundraiser which as usual was bring and buy cake, plant & general gardening stuff stalls on the green. I managed to get rid of, sorry donate, 10 tomato plants that weren't going to make it into my packed greenhouse as I didn't have time to bake for them this year (which is a good thing when I think about it as it means my social life is obviously a lot busier than in previous years). As usual I got there for the start to see what interesting articles my fellow residents had donated and hopefully pick up something very useful for very little. The Major (as Chair) was heading the show with other committee members manning the stalls and setting aside goodies (by hiding them in little corners at the back) that they'd cherry picked from the early donations. I just loved the ensemble on & around the pasting tables and noticed that they'd done the old 'bucket and contents for £1!!' (yes there were two exclamation marks as if to hint that one could hardly believe one's good fortune at spotting such a bargain) trick again and I just had to have a nosey at a few of these buckets. Some of them seemed just full of crap to me but then one woman's crap... anyway one bucket caught my eye and because it had a block paving scraper and a few other small usable tools I decided it was for me even though there was a sticker on it (lower down) that said 'buyer beware - bucket leaks'. In fact all the other buckets had the same message on and I found myself wondering who on earth saves these leaky buckets for this annual event in fact I'd never seen so many leaky buckets in such close proximity to each other before, not one of them didn't leak! so much for the double exclamation marks!!
P.S. I still bought the bucket and contents for a pound plus some plants so a personal success for me and I bumped into one of my fellow NWatch members in the library later and discovered it had been 'THE most successful fundraiser ever' raising around £300 - leaky buckets rock obviously!!
1 comment:
I'm a sucker for a car boot sale. Sounds like you got yourself a bargain there!
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