Saturday 19 May 2007

Coming home

When I returned to live in a village in my home town after living in the big city of Leeds for 20 years I found so much had changed. Somehow I'd held onto romantic notions of ease & familiarity with my surroundings and bumping into old school friends in Asda prompting delighted reunions but it wasn't like that at all.
Not only had all the road layouts and buildings changed so much that it was virtually unrecognisable to me and I couldn't find my way about, but the feel of the place was so very different from what I'd expected. What followed was a disconcerting, raw and scary feeling of belonging nowhere. Eventually I realised that I'd have to 'start all over again', so feeling like the new girl at school I started talking to people and getting to know the local community. It was painful and very slow at first but got less scary and more exciting as time went on.
For example, I decided to join a Book Club, being a voracious reader from a very young age I thought this would be a fine way for me to meet new people. Unfortunately the only ones I could find out about were full, there was only one thing for it I'd have to start my own!
You can read more about this in the Book Club section. I also decided to join as many community groups and forums as I could, hence my attendance at neighbourhood watch meetings and one-off forums which not only are packed with useful local info. but also a banquet for an avid pw (people watcher) such as me. You can read more about these in the Community News section where I'll also post updates about churchy issues; yes I also decided to start going to church again (last went regularly as a teenager!), not because I'm deeply religious but because I wanted some way of finding the time to focus on the spiritual side of my nature and I find that this fulfils that need in me. I joined the local gym too, but still can't seem to get into a regular pattern with it and find I go as an excuse to get out of the house or to use the other facilities there such as the sauna! Is this just me being incredibly lazy or do other people suffer from gym jet-lag?

1 comment:

Liz Hinds said...

I now live close to the village in which I grew up and I never see anyone I was in school with. I wonder where they've all gone.