Tuesday, 10 July 2007

Flood pictures

Here are pictures taken from the street leading to the new houses and from end of the local park, the water was still up a good 5 ft near the park and that was a week after the worse of the rains. Thankfully there has been a 5 mile dam erected here for the past 10 years as it is directly in line with a flood plain, this wasn't enough to save the newest houses however; locals couldn't believe it when they were given permission to build there. By the way these are luxery houses worth from 400-700k a lot of money in these parts! And all of them are occupied. I have heard that the water never actually got into the houses themselves but still a very bad time for all involved.
Strange days indeed...
Have you ever had one of those periods in your life where on the one hand everything is going great and on the other there's a whole load of bad things happening to people around you and a time of change and upheaval all round. Well I'm going through one of those times. I have a close friend who is very, very poorly in hospital and my thoughts go out to him and especially to his lovely wife and their children who have an awful lot on their plates at the moment. Other friends are also going through a rough time which was made much, much worse by the recent floods which totally swamped the whole area where they live, they were without electricity for days and completely cut off from the rest of the town, the clean-up is still going on. Where I live one of the main roads was closed for 9 days which meant a 20 mile round trip round several villages, some partially flooded, to get to essential places. Then there's the attempted bombings, change of prime minister and a long running family dispute. Yet in my own little world things are pretty good on all fronts... like I say strange days indeed.
Love and peace to all,
Lizzbee xxxx